Policy Analysis of Education in Sindh
An analysis of the state of education within Sindh and the reasons for failure of the policy implemented.
The study aims to gauge the progress made by the province of Sindh in attainment of educational targets set by Millennium Development Goals from pre-primary to tertiary level and in formal and informal schooling. Primary and secondary sources of data such as interviews and records are used to understand the policies implemented within the education sector and their impact on various metrics. The analysis reveals that education is a neglected sector of Pakistan whereby poverty, lack of resources, gender disparity, training, low quality of education and budgetary priorities result in the inability of the country to achieve the desired enrollment and retention rates. Pakistan is expected to achieve universal primary enrollment by 2066 and adult literacy by 2052 as opposed to stated deadline for 2015 set by EFA goals.
The report reveals that no proper action plans have been designed to meet the objectives and therefore there is a strong need to develop a vision and a plan that would enable achievement of objectives. Effort needs to be expended on enhancing the quality of education by improving the physical infrastructure and gender disparities need to be removed so that females from rural areas can benefit from educational opportunities. However, the desired action plan would require strong leadership and commitment from the masses along with partnership between various stakeholders of education sector.
Publishing Year: 2011
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