Research Library Submit Publication Search Title Organization Year Thematic paper on Millennium Development Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education UNICEF 2010 ViewPublic–Private Partnerships in Education. Lessons Learned from the Punjab Education Foundation Asian Development Bank 2010 ViewLow-Cost Private Schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan: What evidence to support sustainable scale-up? DFID 201 ViewNational Education Policy 2009 Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan 2009 ViewComparative Perspectives in Creating Gender Awareness: Stories from Elementary Mathematics Classrooms in Pakistan EdQual - DFID 2009 ViewEducation, Employment and Earnings in Pakistan RECOUP - DFID 2009 ViewEducation Gender Gaps in Pakistan: Is the Labor Market to Blame? DFID 2009 ViewReforming Education in Pakistan – Tracing Global Links Journal of Research and Reflections in Education 2009 ViewFinancing Education in Pakistan: The Impact of Public Expenditure and Aid on Educational Outcomes DFID 2008 ViewPromotion with and without Learning: Effects on Student Enrollment and Dropout Behavior World Bank 2008 ViewEducation, Skills, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Pakistan World Bank 2008 ViewReturns to Schooling, Ability and Cognitive Skills in Pakistan RECOUP - DFID 2008 ViewTeacher Empowerment through Collaborative Action Research: Concepts, Possibilities and Challenges EdQual - DFID 2008 ViewWhat can Teachers do to Raise Pupil Achievement? RECOUP - DFID 2008 ViewDonor coordination in an uncoordinated development environment? The case of education in Pakistan DFID 2008 ViewGirls’ Education in the 21st Century Gender Equality, Empowerment, and Economic Growth World Bank 2008 ViewAn Evaluation of the UNESCO Project titled Capacity Building of District Education Officers in Educational Planning Implementation and Community Participation Journal of Elementary Education 2008 ViewQuality in Higher Education: Issues and Current Practices Journal of Elementary Education 2008 ViewEducation in Pakistan: What Works & Why Campaign For Quality Education 2007 ViewThe Education System in Pakistan: Assessment of the National Education Census UNESCO 2007 View < first < prev 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 next > last > Page 3 of 6 - : from 41 to 60 - Total: 101